How to create directory tree of the folder structure using ‘tree’ command

How to create directory tree of the folder structure using ‘tree’ command

Dec 13, 2022

end result —

notion image

Step 1

Assuming you’re using Apple OS X/macOS, install Homebrew on macOS and then type the following brew command:
brew install tree

Step 2

Go to the directory whose tree structure you need
cd “your_directory_name”

Step 3

type this command to get the tree structure:
tree -v --charset utf-8


Don’t be an idiot and make sure to delete the node_module files if its a front-end project
I made this mistake multiple times 🤦
. ├── LICENSE ├── ├── index.html ├── package-lock.json ├── package.json ├── postcss.config.js ├── src │   ├── App.jsx │   ├── assets │   │   ├── constants.js │   │   ├── favicon.ico │   │   ├── index.js │   │   ├── loader.svg │   │   └── logo.svg │   ├── components │   │   ├── ArtistCard.jsx │   │   ├── DetailsHeader.jsx │   │   ├── Error.jsx │   │   ├── Loader.jsx │   │   ├── MusicPlayer │   │   │   ├── Controls.jsx │   │   │   ├── Player.jsx │   │   │   ├── Seekbar.jsx │   │   │   ├── Track.jsx │   │   │   ├── VolumeBar.jsx │   │   │   └── index.jsx │   │   ├── PlayPause.jsx │   │   ├── RelatedSongs.jsx │   │   ├── Searchbar.jsx │   │   ├── Sidebar.jsx │   │   ├── SongBar.jsx │   │   ├── SongCard.jsx │   │   ├── TopPlay.jsx │   │   └── index.js │   ├── index.css │   ├── index.jsx │   ├── pages │   │   ├── AroundYou.jsx │   │   ├── Discover.jsx │   │   ├── MyFaves.jsx │   │   ├── Search.jsx │   │   ├── SongDetails.jsx │   │   ├── TopArtists.jsx │   │   ├── TopCharts.jsx │   │   └── index.js │   └── redux │   ├── features │   │   └── playerSlice.js │   ├── services │   │   └── shazamCore.js │   └── store.js ├── tailwind.config.js └── vite.config.js