“The path to greatness is not easy but can be made easier with reverse engineering
Three paths to greatness:
- Talent
- Deliberate practice
- Reverse Engineering
Three ways to Reverse Engineer
Collecting examples of greatness to discover the underlying blueprint because it leads to implicit learning
implicit learning:
Detecting patterns even when you’re not trying to consciously learnExample: Even though Vincent van Gogh was very poor, he owned 1000 Japanese prints to his name.
Tip: Create a greatness library!
Look beyond what is evident on the surface and find a hidden structure:
Ask yourself:
- How was it designed?
- How can you recreate it?
Highlighted Techniques:
- Copy-working: start copying pages from something that you think is “great”, which is going to help you understand:
stylistic tendencies
andorganizational decisions
- Reverse outlining: Take a finished product to reverse engineer and find the underlying outline for it (Example of the TED talk: Do skills kill creativity?)
- Contrasting: Compare what makes something that is good different from “great”
How it will help?
Greatness checklist for your next product
The threshold for greatness is always moving and evolving
#3 - Evolve to add freshness
Evolve how?
Broad range of experiences and skills
Get inspiration from external sources
1. How I’ve already been doing it in my personal life?
- Youtube playlists
- Blogging: my website and medium
Tools I use for my collection:
Youtube playlists
2. I’m going to apply this in my life further for business?
Studying other founders
Studying successful products
Reverse engineering different products